Súrya Námaskára
As the days get longer and summer is upon us, this practice is the perfect way to start your day, bringing vitality and awareness to yourself.
The Súrya Námaskára, known as Sun Salutation, is a simple Sequence with 8 Ásana (psyco-bio-physic position), accepted by all the Yoga Schools (with some small variations).
For those who are attending our Yoga Sámkhya Classes this sequence and terminology is already familiar. The name of the Ásana is written in Samskrta (Sanskrit).
The time that you should hold each Ásana, depends on your self awareness. Mostly respect yourself at all levels, feel your breathing, your heart beating and gently blow away your thoughts, try to be in the moment, this instant is your existence.
Give it a try!
1 – Pádásana – one stands erect, with feet fully touching each other, legs stretched, palms together in front of the chest (without touching the chest), forearms parallel to the floor.
2 – Prishthásana – Inhale – Softly raise hands overhead, by stretching your arms and keeping your hands together, arch back pressing pubic bone forward and opening the chest. Allow your neck to fall back down with gravity.
3 – Pádahastásana – Exhale – Being aware that your feet are still together and keeping your legs stretched, slowly fold forward, tail bone up, your chin wants to touch the chest, your head wants to touch the knees and your hands wants to reach the floor.
4 – Jánurásana Kona – Inhale – Placing your hands on the floor at the same distance as your shoulders, the right leg is pushed as far back as possible, with the left leg between the palms on the ground. Head up, turn your shoulders back and down, open your chest.
5 – Chatushpádásana – Hold the air in your lungs – Bring your left foot back (joining the feet) to the plank position, look forward, long spine.
6 – Pañchásana – Exhale – Keeping your feet and palms in the same position, drop your knees, chest and forehead (not chin) to the floor. Forehead, chest, palms, knees and feet are touching the ground, with the hips raised.
7 – Bhujangásana – Inhale – Lower part of your body and the palms of your hands touching the floor, heels always touching each other, legs stretched and pelvis on the floor. Stretch your upper body and arch back.
8 – Samana Chatushpádásana – Exhale – Without moving your hands and feet, tail bone up – the body forms an inverted “V”.
9 – Jánurásana Kona – Inhale – Hands on the floor at the same distance as your shoulders; the right leg is pushed as far forward as possible – knee touching the chest, right foot between your hands. Head up, turn your shoulders back and down, open your chest.
10 – Pádahastásana – Exhale – Being aware that your feet continue together and keep your legs stretched, slowly fold forward, tail bone up, your chin wants to touch the chest, your head wants to touch the knees and your hands want reach the floor.
11 – Prishthásana – Inhale – Softly raise hands overhead, by stretching your arms and keeping your hands together, arch back pressing pubic bone forward and opening the chest. Allow your neck to fall back down with gravity.
12 – Pádásana – One stands erect, with feet fully touching each other, legs stretched, palms together in front of the chest (without touching the chest) forearms parallel to the floor.